Marshall JCM2000 DSL


Marshall JCM2000 DSL

Countless hours of R&D and of course listening, went into the creation of the 100 Watt DSL100. DSL is an acronym for ‘Dual Super Lead’, so it should come as no surprise that this amp has two footswitchable channels – Classic and Ultra. Furthermore, each of these channels boasts two modes: the Classic channel offers a Clean / Crunch option while the Ultra offers Lead 1 or Lead 2. Instead of merely offering a variation in gain level to the two channels, each one of these four modes has been individually voiced as an amp in its own right.

The tremendous tonal versatility of this amp, coupled with a 100% pure valve signal path (4 x ECC83s, 4 x EL34s), Dual Reverb controls, a Tone Shift switch which ‘scoops out’ the mids and a Deep Switch that adds a tight, bowel loosening, low end boost, caused the guitar world to sit up and take notice right from the outset.

The JCM2000 DSL100 was manufactured at the Marshall production facility in Bletchley, England between 1997 and 2011.


Sound demo of this awsome amp from marshall. from what ive seen a lot of people doubt wheter this amp can do full on metal, so here are some sound samples to convince you otherwise :D haha, the sound is directly from the amp with the marshall 1960v Cab mic'ed up with a shure sm57.